Comfort Baptist Church

9:45- Bible Study for all ages
Comfort Baptist Church offers Sunday morning classes beginning at 9:45 a.m. (in various rooms throughout the church building) for ages preschool through 12th grade and adults. Our vision/goal is to encourage learning more about God’s person and His plan for us through close scripturally-based study times and activities.
4:30pm-6:30 Sunday Evening JCFAM Youth Group (6th-12th grades)
Location: Fellowship Hall
The focus of Sunday afternoons is the youth of our community. This is a chance to gather for food, games, and discipleship as we study the impact of the Lord and His teachings on our lives.
6:30 Young Adults: Location Varies
Our Young Adult Bible study is held on Monday nights at 6:30pm. This is for ages 18+ of our community. For information about the location of meetings, please call the church office at (830)995-3638.
2:00-5:00 (once a month) Adult Fellowship Fun: Fellowship Hall
If you are looking for some fun, join us in the Fellowship Hall of Comfort Baptist Church once a month. Bring your favorite game, a snack to share if you like, and enjoy some relaxation and fellowship. Contact the church office for the date of the next game day at (830)995-3638.
6:00 Men’s Bible Study: CBC Kitchen
This Bible study is designed not just for the men of our church but also the men of our community. It's a time to fellowship and study God's word in order to make connections with those outside of the Baptist faith.
5:00- Dinner & Children’s Bible Study (Pre-K to 5th grades)
Location: Fellowship Hall classrooms
Wednesday evenings focus on the children in our local community and congregation. Dinner begins at 5:00 in the fellowship hall and is followed by a time of worship and grade level classes focusing on the Gospel.
5:30 Dinner - Adult Bible Study​
Ladies' Bible Study: A study of Philippians through Chuck Swindoll's Laugh Again: Experience Outrageous Joy (Hope Room #2)
Adult Bible Study: Delving Deeper into the Sunday Sermons (Grace Room #4)
Contact the church office for more information at (830)995-3638.
9:30am- Ladies Bible Study
Location: Pam Miller's house, please contact the church office
for location (830)995-3638
Our ladies' seasonal Bible study group is designed for women of all ages and stages of life. Determined to provide strong Biblical teaching and encouragement through Bible study, fellowship, and prayer to equip each other to walk closer with the Lord. This fall, the Ladies Bible Study has just begun The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. Any ladies are welcome to join at any time throughout the study.